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Cardia analythomial are not only so independent group of heart disease but cauld be the manifestation of many other heart disease. Many patients with different cardiac disease admitting because of palpitation, vestige, syncope, dyspnea and finally sudden cardiac death. We evaluate they patients in our electrophysiology department. 

Treatment Options:

There are two approach to treat arrcothions 1- medical approach 2- intovensional approach

  • Pharmacalcycal, antiarrlymic drags with many dangerous side effects Lif time devag consumption, more. Expensive for a long period
  • Radio Frequency Catheters Ablator (RFCA) which case arrtymias forever.
  • Czya – Ablation
  • Pace makers implantation
  • ICD implantation (preventing sudden cardiac death)


Different kinds of procedures from suicidal, Electros book, Alcohol injection, Lacer, RFCA, Cryo Alafia has been timed. But RFCA and cxyo ablation are two approved method now.

  • RFCA, Simple not expensive most often with local tension, short stay in harmital 
  • Cyo ablation, simple, more expensive, more recurrence rate 
  • Pacemaker in plantation: with light sedate and local anesthesia the leads are entered in the heart are entered in the heart via subclavian vain puncture and PQ impeamted IQ small subcutaneous unrosic pocket. 
  • ICD in plantation (the same as pacemaker implantafin)
  • ILRL eternal laap secedes is as small device clustering arrythin which is upland in the chest well.

Further Information:

Lantern consumption of anti arrhythmic drung is an abandoned approach nat only has many side effects even SCD and is moro expensive for langterm but nat cure arrhythmias opport the RFCA which eradicate the faci of arrhythmia fore eves.

This package includes:

  • PSVT
  • VT
  • Aborted SCD
  • LVEF<35
  • AV-B
  • Patients with CBBB
  • Patients with HCM, Pronged QT, Braguda 4nd.

This package excludes:

  • Patients with normal heart and rare APCS
  • Patients with normal heart and rare PVCS
  • Patients with 1st AV-B lock, 02 menrebach.
  • Patients with HCM, Prolonged QT, Bragged 4nd and no familial as history of aboated SCD.
  • End stage patients auith life expectancy less than emyea.

Instructions: (Preparation)

  • RFCA needs 2 days story in the hospital
  • Pacemakers in planted in needs 2 days hospitalization
  • ICD makes in planted in needs 2 days hospitalization
  • Ambulatory Holter Monitor in (AHM): out patient service
  • Head aptiet test (HQT): 6 hours stay in the hospital

Terms and conditions:

For RFCA, pacemakers and ICD implantation the patients is headway to caty lade in fasting state, the recedure tates the about one hour.

  • PSVT (Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia)
  • VT (Ventricular Tachycardia)
  • SCD (Sudden Cardiac Death)
  • LVEF (Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction)
  • NCM (Hypertrophic Cardio Myopathy)

Patient Eligibility:

  • Life expectancy more than one year.
  • Staying at least one week in Iran.
  • Programing his 02 her device every six months: (Could be done in his her country 02)
  • Contact with Jam Hospital


  • Arrhythmias
  • SCD
  • Heart failere


  • Eradicating arrlytthians
  • Preventing SCD by ICD implantation
  • Decreasing heart failure by Biv – pacing


1-2 days stay in the Jam Hospital