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Not so long ago, peritoneal cancer means end of life, and it had a worse prognosis with a survival shorter than 6 months, with advances in cyto reductive surgery and hipec, now it is treatable disease in selected group of patients.

Treatment Options:

It is indicated in patients with carcinomatosis peritonei without extraabdominal metastases in the following disease.

  • Pseudomyxona peritonei
  • Ovarian cancers
  • Colorectal cancers
  •  Mesothelioma
  • Appendix cancers
  • Gastric cancer
  • Sarcoma, Pancreatic, Urachal cancers


It is done under general anesthesia, and by a experienced tan consists of oncologic surgeons, anesthesiologists, oncologists, ICU specialists, technicians, and nurses.

  •  Procedure needs special operating room, and special equipments.
  •  The patients stay at least one day in the ICU room after surgery.

This package includes:

  • Hospital stay for 7 days
  • All of operation, Anesthesia, Equipments, drugs need during hospitalization
  • All of the consultations before, and during operation.
  • All of laboratory, radiologic tests during hospitalization

This package excludes:

  • In the case of hospitalization more than one week you will pay hospital room, and drugs and instruments you need. 
  • In the case of any more intervention, before surgery (es: cardiac catheterization, or IVC filter insection) it will add to your bill

Instructions: (Preparation)

  • You will admit one day before operation and all of the preparation will be done in the hospital during this period.
  • You will have to stop any antiphlelet drugs such as (ASA, Plavix) 5 days before surgery and anticoagulant drugs (such as warfarin as xalerban 48 hours before surgery.

Terms and conditions:

 CRS and hipec will be done in a professional setting and by a specialized team who are all certified and approved in this operation and with most modern and new techniques and devices.

Patient Eligibility:

  • Patients with extra abdominal metastases and high PCI (Peritoneal Cancer Index) are exclude from this surgery.
  • This type of patients and their families will inform before operation, and an inform constent will be given them to read and signature.


  • To provide the best medical treatment option.
  • To provide cure or longer survival in patients with cercinomatosis peritonei.