Gynecology Unit
Head of the department:Dr. Salma Razavi
Head nurse: Mrs. Maryam Kulivand
location: second floor
Number of beds: 16 beds
Services that can be provided: General
Internal phone: 200-584
The Gynecology Unit at Jam Hospital is on the second floor with various departments for providing gynecological healthcare and prenatal care. The Gynecology Surgery Department offers a wide range of services for clients, with state-of-the-art equipment for the treatment of all types of gynecological diseases and outpatient treatment techniques under the supervision of a gynecologist.
All prenatal screening tests, fetal non-stress tests (NSTs), fetal membrane rupture tests (AmniSure) (24/7) are performed at Jam Hospital. A variety of gynecological surgeries are performed using modern laparoscopic instruments.